
Mastering the Art of Game Design: Intro to Designing an MMO

⚔️ As a huge fan of the development and design behind MMOs, I would like to start giving my thoughts and tips around building a large world for an even larger crowd, based just not on my experience with the genre, but also looking into the insights of experts in the MMO field.

⚔️ Designing an MMO is no small feat (the word MASSIVE is in the title!)
Building a large interactive world, adding puzzle and combat elements for a diverse player base, adding enough crafting and materials to engage a wide variety of creative output and balancing the economy is rough enough.

⚔️ On top of all that you need to give your players and environment that feels like a living, breathing world around them. (which is my favorite part!)

⚔️ Matt Firor is the Studio Director at ZeniMax Online Studios. He gives some great thoughts on designing a Modern MMO and a few reasons for the decisions they made while developing Elder Scrolls Online.

⚔️ I also encourage anyone interested in the development and design of MMOs to read the book The World of Warcraft Diary: A Journal in Computer Game Development by John Staats. It is a VERY indepth debrief on the development of World of Warcraft and I can tell you is it FULL of some very insightful discussions about why they took certain routes they did with design.

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